Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Progress in week 9

I'm glad I started doing the 1000 SC, CR and RC. My score is steadily decreasing, as you can see from my earlier posts and this means I will have to put in effort on the verbal as well. Ok, it seems that there is nothing that I'm naturally gifted at and will have to work hard on every area. I knew I sucked at maths, but my performance in SC and CR was news to me. 

Anyways, I'm NOT giving up! I did the 6 chapters in MGMAT guide 3 (Equations, Inequalities and VICs) and I'm doing guide 4 now (Word Translations). I left out the advanced chapters in guide 3 for next week. At the same time, I'm working on MGMAT Sentence Correction (completed 4 chapters so far) and Powerscore Critical Reasoning.


Ayush Rastogi said...

all the very best... study hard :)

aimingformba said...

@A: Thanks!!

Stranger! said...

hey nobody is gifted naturally in these complicated areas :) hard work is the only factor that determines the score!And I am not sure how much weight-age the topics like "word translation" or "VIC??"have.I think it is wise to get hold on major topics first.But anyway,you have more days left than me so you will be able to cover all topics.I am skipping some.Lets c how luck factor supports.