Thursday, June 17, 2010

Manhattan GMAT Number Properties - Score

Score of the OG-12 and OG - Quant Review problems in the Manhattan Number Properties Guide.

Problem Solving - 50/67 - 17 wrong - 74%
Data Sufficiency - 37/54 - 17 wrong - 68%
Total - 87/121 - 34 wrong - 71%


Stranger! said...

Wow..Entire Quant section with 71% accuracy.Not bad at all! I am sure you can go up to 90-95% in next 74 days :)

aimingformba said...

I do hope so. Not the entire maths section, but only the questions related to number properties. 71% did leave me disturbed! Any suggestions on how to improve in quant?

Mohan Seti said...

Let me share what I practice, I try to find the patterns of the problems which I generally get wrong. Then I solve more problems with similar patterns