Thursday, June 17, 2010

Learning from mistakes - MGMAT Number Properties

I'm learning from my mistakes, by keeping track of the problems I got wrong and doing them as many times as possible. As you've seen from my previous post, I attempted around 120 problems on Number Properties getting around 34 wrong. Now, I suffer from memory loss and I'm pretty sure that if I were to do the same 120 problems a week later, my mistakes would be from the same 34 problems (even though I've gone through the solutions). To get around this, I've circled those questions (not on the OG), but on the Manhattan GMAT Number Properties book, so that I can quickly revise them just before the practice test.


Mohan Seti said...

mmm... As I said in one of my previous comments, try attacking the areas which you are weak by solving problems of similar pattern. "Just revising it before practice test" won't help. This is not your board physics exam.

aimingformba said...

@Mohan: You're right. Thanks for the comment. Made me smile.