Friday, April 30, 2010

Study Timings

I'm definitely not a morning person, and early morning means something around 8:00 am for me. I've scheduled my study time from 11:00 pm to 1:00 am or 2:00 am every day and also, the time I get after work (which varies, depending on the meetings scheduled for the late evenings. I don't want to comment on this, I guess it is pretty much understandable). I usually reach home around 9:30 to 10:00 pm and then laze around for a bit, catching up on the news and then deciding what to do for dinner. By the time I've settled down to study it's 11:00 pm! I must also try and get some time during the lunch breaks. In the mornings, I usually work on verbal, because there are a lot of distractions around me and I can do CR and SC with distractions around, but not RC. Speaking of  RC, I haven't touched RC in a long while now.

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