I'm kicking myself for not having visited this site earlier. It has really improved my timing problem with questions and I'm truly motivated when I'm working with others. Currently, I'm slow at Quant, but I have no doubt that I will improve in a week or two. I find that people are helpful in explaining something I didn't get. Also, you get points awarded for the right answer or points deducted for the wrong answer. You also get points for helping others out.
It's exactly the kind of study environment needed for people like me (who are unable to stay in one place and study without getting distracted). While using Grockit, you have no other go except to concentrate, or you get the answer wrong and lose points.
I think it has something to do with the name. The name Grockit never really appealed to me. To quote from pbs.org that explains what the name is about in a cute way,
First, let’s talk about that name of theirs. For those of you who are assuming that they chose the name simply because domain names are becoming scarce, fret not. Grockit is a play on the hacker word “grok,” a verb coined by sci-fi writer Robert Heinlein in 1961 that means “to understand so thoroughly that the observer becomes a part of the observed.” The word has become so commonplace in Internet slang that the Oxford English Dictionary even has an entry for it, defining it as “to understand intuitively or by empathy; to establish rapport with” and “to empathize or communicate sympathetically (with); also, to experience enjoyment.” In other words, when you say “I grok it,” it’s like saying you really, really get it - that you’ve learned a concept in a way that you’ve completely absorbed and made an instinctive part of your core knowledge.
I'm in awe of the founder Farbood Nivi and immensely grateful to him for creating such a novel and unique site, which I'm sure will help thousands of students get into their dream schools. You rock!
Thanks ! I liked this post. Will definitely explore it, who knows even i may be hooked :)
btw, can u please help me get the GMAT counter. I wish to add it on my blog too ! :)
All the best for ur GMAT !
@Shivraj: Sure, just click on add gadget in the design settings, search for countdown and select the 7th gadget listed. Thanks, I wish you luck for your GMAT too!
Thanks ! :) I added it to my blog !
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