Finally, I've done a consolidated analysis of the practice CATs that I've taken so far. One mistake I made was that I waited too long to log those mistakes into an excel sheet, which resulted in me spending the last two days fretting, putting all this stuff (4 Practice CATS) into an excel sheet and getting the pivot table generated I couldn't include the Veritas Prep CAT (since it didn't give me a category of the mistakes) and my GMAT Prep data (lost this information because of a system re-install). Anyways, I'm thankful to Princeton Review and Manhattan GMAT for giving a nice breakup of the mistake categories, which made it easy to enter into the excel sheet and get the graph generated. If you might find this useful, here's the link!
How do you like the MGMAT materials as compared to the Princeton Review? I've always found the MGMAT materials are the best, but the online CATs are more challenging than the actual exam.
@TheGmatTutor: I found Princeton Review easier compared to MGMAT, but PR is a great place to begin. MGMAT guides are comprehensive and also have the corresponding questions in the OG referenced.
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